Reading: We are reading Sophie’s Masterpiece, as our focus book. We will work on these high frequency words: young, problem, work, baby, first, window, beautiful, money, thought, and wanted. We will work on these vocabulary words from the story: boarding house, ordinary, dull, wondrous, playmate and wearily. Our nonfiction story this week is Meerkat Day. We will learn new nonfiction text features with this text. Our Reading TEKS for this week are: 3.1C,D,E; 3.2C; 3.6A,B,C,F; 3.8A,B,C; 3.10A,E. These TEKS cover: theme, inference, vocabulary, making connections and author’s purpose.
Language Arts: We are working on subject/verb agreement in writing. We are also continuing our review of nouns, verbs, adjectives and punctuation. We will practice this with responding to our focus story. We will also practice our short vowel sounds as our spelling pattern for this week. Our TEKS are 3.9Di, ii and 3.11A,Diii, vii, x,xi.
Social Studies: We will continue with map skills and location. Our TEKS are 3.4 and 3.5.
Important information:
Parents can begin eating with students on September 9.
First Pep Rally is this Friday at 3:00. Students can be picked up starting at 2:30, from our gym. Please send a note if your child will be attending the pep rally.
I will also begin sending home Daily Reading Logs. Please read with your child for 20 minutes nightly and complete the log. I will be letting the kids check out books from our classroom library, please make sure they are returned daily.