Mrs. Skeen’s 3rd Grade Class

Welcome to our classroom blog!

Week of September 23-27

We had an amazing week of school last week! We have made it through the half way mark for the first 9 weeks. Please look for Progress Reports going home on Thursday.

This week we are going to read a nonfiction story called,”I Love Guinea Pigs”. You can listen to the story here:

Students will be learning about Onomatopoeias, Author’s Purpose, Fact and Opinion, and Nonfiction Text Features.

Our vocabulary words for the week will be found in the story. You can also access these vocabulary words on Quizlet.

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Week of Sept. 16-20

Reading: Our focus book this week is “Moon Cakes”. This wonderful story with folktales is going to be one of our favorites! We will learn the following vocabulary to go with it: ( 3.1C,D,E; 3.3;; 3.9A; 3.8A,B,C; 3.7C,D; 3.10A,B)


We will have a test on Friday over these words. We also have the following high frequency words: everything, against, circle, beautiful, important, teacher, dream, simple, deep, outside. There will be a quick check on Friday over these words as well.

Language Arts: Our spelling patterns this week are: (3.9Di, ii; 3.11A,Diii, vii, x,xi; 3.2ii)

beginning sounds: bl_,cl_, cr_

Ending sounds: _sh, _st, _ck, _nk

Vowels: short

Social Studies: We are still continuing our landforms learning. This week, students will make a Google Slide Presentation presenting their landform. (TEKS 3.4, 3.5)

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Week of Sept. 9-13

This week in reading, we will read the story In My Momma’s Kitchen. We will discuss family traditions and make a family traditions quilt. It will be neat to see what everyone’s family traditions are. (3.1C,D,E 3.3; 3.6A 3.9D; 3.8B; 3.7C,D, 3.10D,E)

Our vocabulary words for the week: melody, scrapes, dribbles, inform, burst, serenade, gestures, frantic, squirmed, blooming, proud

To practice these words I have made a Quizlet. Students can go on their Google Classroom at home and find the link. We also practice these multiple times during the week.

For spelling we are trying something new. A letter went home Friday about the changes in Spelling and how students will be creating their own tests on Fridays. Here is what we will be looking for. Can they follow the spelling pattern? (3.9Di, ii, 3.11A,Diii, vii, x,xi, 3.2ii)

Beginning blends middle short vowels ending blends

sh_               a,e,i,o,u            _sh
th_                                        _mp
ch_                                       _nk
scr_                                      _tch

Example words:

In Social Studies we will continue researching about landforms. Students will pick a landform to build this week. (3.4, 3.5) 
username: white
password: oak

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Fri YAY!

Today during Reading, we responded to the text Under the Lemon Moon. Students went on a website called Padlet, and responded to the prompt.

See our responses below!

Skeen Homeroom:

Hamrick Homeroom:


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Week of Sept. 3-7

Reading: Our focus book is “Under the Lemon Moon”. We will learn the following vocabulary words (3.3B): perched, eased, stump, scarecrow, lugged, quiver, wobbled, rumor, content, lush, stalls, hunched. We will also practice the following high frequency words: night, under, deep, grow, father, children, circle, baby, sick and clothes. Our vocabulary and high frequency words will be graded on Friday. We are also working on the following Reading Skills: 3.1C,D and E (speaking coherently about a topic); 3.8B (characters and interactions); 3.7C,D (retelling a story and sequencing).

Language Arts: We are working with short vowel sounds (3.2Aii, iii), as well as adding beginning and ending blends (digraphs and trigraphs)  to make words. These will NOT BE TESTED this week. Our spelling tests will start next week. Be looking for a letter about our spelling for this year in 3rd grade!

Social Studies: We are starting one of my favorite skills: LANDFORMS! We will research, learn and create a landform project. Landform vocabulary is: mountain, hill, cliff, mesa, cave, delta, canyon, island, lake, river, ocean, plain and valley. I can’t wait to see what these kiddos come up with!


Sept. 6: PEP RALLY and Friday Fun clubs.

Sept. 19: Picture Day! more info to come home later.

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