This week in reading, we will read the story In My Momma’s Kitchen. We will discuss family traditions and make a family traditions quilt. It will be neat to see what everyone’s family traditions are. (3.1C,D,E 3.3; 3.6A 3.9D; 3.8B; 3.7C,D, 3.10D,E)
Our vocabulary words for the week: melody, scrapes, dribbles, inform, burst, serenade, gestures, frantic, squirmed, blooming, proud
To practice these words I have made a Quizlet. Students can go on their Google Classroom at home and find the link. We also practice these multiple times during the week.
For spelling we are trying something new. A letter went home Friday about the changes in Spelling and how students will be creating their own tests on Fridays. Here is what we will be looking for. Can they follow the spelling pattern? (3.9Di, ii, 3.11A,Diii, vii, x,xi, 3.2ii)
Beginning blends middle short vowels ending blends
sh_ a,e,i,o,u _sh
th_ _mp
ch_ _nk
scr_ _tch
Example words:
In Social Studies we will continue researching about landforms. Students will pick a landform to build this week. (3.4, 3.5)
username: white
password: oak
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